Change is as good as a cold beer !
I morse var jag hos tandlakaren for forsta gangen pa 6 ar. Det var sadar kul.
Forutom att min mun kanns som om nagon har sprangt en bomb i den sa gick allt bra.
Det var inga hal sa jag kan andas ut tills nasta gang jag maste ga dit. ( formodligen innom 6 ar )
English Update !
Well I now I have been slacking off on the english side of my blogg so this update is for everyone who doesn't read swedish or the people who does read swedish but prefer to read in english.
A good friend of mine ( James ) once told me ( couple of days ago.... whatever. )
Change is as good as a cold beer. So I thought i better try it out and I resigned from my current possition as an assistant manager at club monaco ( Fashion retail ). I accepted a possition at EQ3 as an assistant sales manager ( furniture retailer/ wholesaler ). I also thought i better take the saying and disect it down to it's purest form. What is he really trying to say ?
I came up with the conclusion that I need to start drinking more beer and I need to change between the kind of beer and which brand i drink.
So today I went to the liquor store and bought pretty much every kind of beer they had ( I put it on my visa so I can worry about it another day ). Currently i am drinking a nice Erdinger.
You have to love the christmas season because you get the original glass with all beer you buy.
This is also the reason why my english is so crappy ( spell check is in swedish )
To see where i am going to work in the new year please visit
Enough about work. Back to "change is as good as a cold beer". I think that this saying is one of the best because just as a change cold beer is only good for a short period of time, you know until your hands has warmed up the glass and finally heated up the beer to be flat and boring.
So my new aproch to life will be to keep on my toes and change something on a regular basis.
Shauna will have a nice christmas break and we will go and visit her parents for a couple of days. The are just about to finish their new house. I think I will try to squeeze in some icefishing too if I have time and if Shauna alows me to go ( just kidding). It will be nice to go there and relax for a few days, I know I really need it.
Well back to my not so cold beer and music listening.
Det hander inte sa mycket har just nu, jag raknar ned sekunderna till jag bytar jobb.
Vi kommer att aka till Shauna's foraldrar over jul, deras nya hus kommer att vara klart pa fredag.
De haller pa att lacka tragolven just nu, vi far val se om de hinner bli klara.
Shauna sover just nu ....... Sjalv dricker jag en kall och mycket god ol......
Mandag - Fredag
Det har varit mycket nu denna veckan, speciellt med att besluta sig om att byta jobb...
Nu ar det gjort ialla fall och jag borjar pa mitt nya jobb nasta vecka redan.
ga till for att kolla in produkterna.
Vi far val hoppas att det gar bra .....
Det ar klart att det kommer ga bra.. Grattis till jobbet!! xxx